Rotger Heilmeier
In my counseling work, be it systemic, shamanic or homeopathic, I oftentimes look for the smallest step to take, that would already create a small change, initiate a little, ongoing motion. Whatever changes too quickly and too far at once, may fall back to its orignial state just as easily. Sustainable changes often look small and slow, just like the soul movement that is said to move walking, as a pedestrian.There is some special power in slow motions.
It is the same question for me in the corporate environment: what is the one little thing that we should change that would already put in motion a movement of change that persists, and does not overwhelm those in the workplace.
I love to invite the powers of solving hindrances and healing that a circle and a field of people can create, for the help of the clients, for all who attend the circle, as a ritual and as a prayer for the greater good.
I am a Psychologist (M.A.) from Germany. There I hold a license as a nonmedical practitioner (German “Heilpraktiker”) and as a registered male nurse. My training as a constellation facilitator and as shamanic practitioner is extensive and ever ongoing. I studied with some of Germany’s most prominent Family Constellations Facilitators, including Dr. Ilse Kutschera, a first-generation student Bert Hellinger’s, and Helmut Eichenmüller. In the United States I was trained by Francesca Mason Boring, a bicultural woman and member of the Western Shoshone Tribe, who developed constellations as ceremony. I trained with and I offered workshops together with Dan Cohen and Emily Blefeld, and with Lisa Murphy. I received shamanic training from Vera Griebert-Schröder, a student of Sandra Ingermann´s, from Betsy Bergstrom, and systemic training from Daan van Kampenhout.
Moreover, I offer homeopathic counseling. My training was at the Akademie für Homöopathie, Munich - Gauting, where I also lecture the psychology of homeopathy from time to time. I am certified in Homeopathy as therapist, as lecturer and as supervisor by the Stiftung Homeopathie Zertifikat SHZ in Germany and by the Association for International Homeopathic Certification AIHC.
If you have a spirit animal or a plant with whom you have a special relationship, and you would like to come into contact with that being via its homeopathic form, you can reach out to me.
I offer curse and thoughtform unraveling, psychopomp work to accompany dead souls to the other side, landscape and nature constellation and energy clearing, and couples counseling.
Time and again I work with companies as a business consultant for corporate health management and sustainability.
I am am member of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and offer a Druidry seed group in Munich, Germany.
I find witches and I empower them.
Even though I am a Homeopath and I like to experience and work in the non-ordinary reality, I am vaccinated for Covid. I decided to get vaccinated as I have a lot of contact with students of nursing, whom I teach. Other than that I did quite a few constellations putting up Covid, and I took Covid in its homeopathic form too.
I travel to the USA regularly. For every flight I take I compensate the CO2 produced by donating to companies like This year I may do this also by installing solar panels on my roof. I have to wait for a law change in Germany for this.
I recommend using, the search engine that plants trees.
one of two fire salamanders who greeted me while planting the mountain crystal near the “Father of the Beeches” near Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany
In addition to my teachers I named above, I would like to name the following dear individuals, who have had an important influence on me:
Cornelia Eifert
Professor Wolfgang Mertens
Erving und Miriam Polster
My father was and is Anton Heilmeier. He was a catholic priest and worked in adult education later. He loved singing, playing the piano and giving speeches.
My mother was and is Liselotte Heilmeier-Beerheide. She was a teacher for german literature and religion, and wrote books about the female principle in God.