Into the Dark
… in the end I want to feel the times of the year in my veins …
3 circles: November 10 (after Samhuinn) - December 29 (Rough Nights) - February 2 2025 (after Imbolc)
This three-sessions offer is one that accompanies you into the Darkness, the North, into the Slow Part of the year.
It starts with a session after Samhuinn, it goes further to a meeting in the 12 Nights of Christmas, which in Bavaria and Austria are called the „Rough Nights“ or the „Lots Nights“, around the time of the Winter Solstice, Alban Arthuan, to the time of the Reappearing Sun after Imbolc.
The offer is part of my Connecting to Earth offer that has circles on all the Solstices, the Equinoxes and the Cross-Quarter-Days, for us to learn better again our connection to the Earth and the times of the year.
Whatever your intentions are for the year to come, join the Into the Dark workshops to already start the movement towards there now, to align your intentions towards spring, summer and fall, in this time of the year when the seeds seem to be asleep but are not.
I am happy that my good friend Stephanie Gailing, an astrologer and a constellation facilitator, will be a guest presenter in this year´s Into the Dark series. She will add astrological knowledge to this time of the year we move into, and we will have the opportunity to bring together astrology and constellation work.
Sign up here
Let us go into the Darkness with a clear intention and conviction to do so, to find ourselves there, to know who we are in the Darkness, to see the part of us connected to the North. Let us live that part of the year with all our consciousness towards what it offers to us in its stillness.
In these online sessions I intend to do:
collective constellations to explore the Darkness, the qualities of the North, and the spirit of Samhuinn, the Rough Nights and of Imbolc.
experimental, playful fieldwork with the influence of the realms systemic constellations, shamanism, homeopathy, witchcraft and druidry that are all connected to the field work, connecting deeper with the earth, and the spirit nature of the pagan holidays.
together with Stephanie we can constellate star constellations!
if you have an issue for a constellation, that has a connection to this time of the year, please let me know. I might also give a non-extensive, brief constellation for free to a participant who cannot afford a constellation to the common price, to celebrate the date.
I have also learned that the “simple” being part of the group, being in circle, the standing in the field with fellow representatives, who look in the same direction can make a change for us.
I will work with the spirit energy of beings that fit to the date and time, in my view. At the moment I think about working with Viscum album, the Mistletoe.
I will merge this offer with the sessions of my offer Homeopathy meets Systemic Constellations, Shamanism, Witchcraft and Druidry. So I will present the spirit beings also in their form as Homeopathic remedy in each session, but this will take only a minor part of the session.
Circles are from 9am-11.30am PDT (San Francisco), 12pm-2.30pm EDT (NYC), 5pm-7.30pm GMT (London), 6pm-8.30pm CET (Berlin) on:
November 10
December 29 and
February 2 2025 This circle will be 1.5 hours earlier, 7.30am-10.00am PDT (San Francisco), 10.30pm-1.00pm EDT (NYC), 3.30pm-6.00pm GMT (London), 4.30pm-7.00pm CET (Berlin)
Sign up here
There is no fee for members of the OBOD and for members of the Athena Mystery School.
pictures by: (aurora); (fire);
A past offer of mine: Torheiten, 2021-2022
The Tor in Glastonbury, UK
Dear Friends,
please join our circle “Let us dream up Avalon anew on a sacred journey (online in English)”
on June 5 2022,
our “Midsummer Night's Dream in Glastonbury (on-site in English)” starting on June 17 2022,
and please sign up to my maling list so I can invite you to the next “Zoomless Constellation” on June 20 2022, 1pm EST where you join by “tuning in” just from where you are at that moment (for free) (Mailing list for Newsletter at the bottom of the page).
Torheiten (follies) – Systemic Constellations meet Shamanism and Homeopathy
How do we know something has healed?
It bears more beauty
It gives us joy
We get happier
Let´s see what we can heal for ourselves, our family systems, our community and the collective
Let´s reach for the unprecedented, too
Let´s reach for the stars,
for Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon,
for Mother Earth and Father Sky,
for the galaxies we may have lived in, or we will,
and our future lives, as well as those of the past.
Imagine: If time is not linear, can we get reborn in past times too? Where would you like to go, what time would you like to heal? Why was I born to live in the 80´s? These are questions we might address.
This workshop series started with a ritual I performed on the Tor in Glastonbury, UK, on September 2 2021, with a group of beloved people that came from Dan Cohen’s “Science, Myth, Magic and Mystery” circle. I called it “the zoomless constellation”.
“Torheiten” in German means follies.
I have the clear feeling that I should start this series in November, I don´t know why, and have another session “in between the years”, the time that is called Rauhnacht, the “rough nights” in Germany, the 12 days between Christmas Eve and Epiphany on January 6.
So the first session will be on:
Sunday, November 28 2021 at 12 - 2.30pm EST (NYC).
And the second session will be on:
Wednesday, December 29 2021 at 12 - 2.30pm EST (NYC).
There will be 7 sessions leading up to the session at the Tor in Glastonbury, UK, in June 2022.
The following sessions in 2022 will be on January 30, February 27, March 27, April 24, and May 22, at 12pm-2.30pm EDT (NYC).
Save the date:
Antonia and I will feature a “Midsummer Night´s Dream” workshop in Glastonbury, UK, from 17 to 21 June 2022, and there will be another Tor – constellation, on-site and also virtual, “zoomless”, at the same time, near summer solstice, on June 19 2022. Do join – one way or the other, online or offline
In these online sessions I intend to do:
some collective constellations, probably starting with the issue of one individual, which has proven a good way to start such work (I go with the phrase of my teacher Daan van Kampenhout “the group is the client”)
some experimental, playful fieldwork with the influence of the three realms systemic constellations, shamanism, and homeopathy, that are all connected to field work.
You don´t have to know all three realms, I welcome your knowledge of all realms in which the field is addressed, has influence and is worked with. Whatever you bring, it will complete our knowledge and experience.
I have also learned that the “simple” being part of the group, the standing in the field with fellow representatives, who have some experience and maybe also some skills in experiencing and answering to the field makes our expertise grow.
So everybody is welcome who likes to come.
I invite you to write down issues you might have and send them to me upfront, maybe via my contact form here. I will read all of them and move them in my soul. By this the field opens up before the session already, and I can get a notion of what is there to look at. I will then hope to find inspiration from the field which issue of the participants is a good one to start with, so that the whole group, the individual issue-holder and the collective can get something good out of it. Your issue will be in the field as soon as you take it into your view.
I may want to write something about the experiences I and we make in the sessions we have. For this endeavor I would also ask your permission to record the sessions.
Special offer for Homeopaths
If Homeopathy is not well connected to her ancestors, the ancestors of Homeopathy, like the Freemasons, the Druidry, then it cannot take the strength and the power of her ancestors either.
I feel a special obligation towards Homeopathy, for the task to hold it in the world, and to nourish it. There is a special offer for Homeopaths who like to explore the possibilities of systemic constellation work and shamanic practitioner’s work leading into the homeopathic realm.
I regard highly the common work to find a homeopathic remedy, the thorough repertorisation work. The handcraft work.
This offer can add something to your search of a fitting remedy, after you have done the common repertorisation, after you have tried a few remedies, and you look for a different inspiration.
Constellations can be used to find a remedy, the right potency, the dosage, to get an idea of the relationship between the client and the homeopath, of hindrances that block the healing movement in the homeopathic treatment.
Shamanic dreamwork can be a way of journeying to the spirit of a remedy, and to the difficulties of the client.
A special offer is that we can do a constellation for you, in which there will be a representative for you, your client, and his or her remedy, possible remedies, remedies you have not thought of yet.
You are also welcome to bring your client to the circle, at least for the time of the constellation. She may feel right away how she reacts once we call in someone to stand for a remedy.