Systemic Constellations
Often considered the approach of last resort, for after you have tried everything else, constellations are ideal for when you have thought through the problem for a while, sought counseling, and done everything your conscious mind knows how to do.
Sometimes after all that, there are systemic barriers or entanglements that need to be addressed. Otherwise, the problem will keep repeating itself.
Systemic constellations are a powerful method to make old patterns visible, understandable, and sometimes solvable.
I offer systemic and family constellations, dream journeys, circle technology, ceremonies, rituals and ritual constellations, nature and landscape constellations.
Through constellations we often find that our unconscious is in opposition to our will. On a conscious level we may say, “I want to succeed with flying colors!” But our unconscious says, “I don’t want to succeed at all!” and the unconscious keeps winning out.
There are often hidden dynamics bonding us to the fate of members in our family system. The problems we are carrying are not even ours. These hidden loyalties can be hard to detect, but have a effect on how things play out in our lives. Our unconscious says, “If I succeed with flying colors, I’ll lose the connection with my people. I’d rather self-sabotage, and keep the connection.“
The Economy of the Field
Francesca Mason Boring taught me the significance of the knowing field. In constellation work we always bring together the client's issue, the facilitator’s intention, and the power of the circle, enabled by each and every individual who came to the circle. At the same time the knowing field may need to be perceived as an additional subject, as a supporting field, with its own intention to how things evolve, in parallel to the intentions of the client, the facilitator, and the group.
The work starts with the facilitator's intention to initiate a circle and to work with the knowing field, which seems to open up that field.
The client brings his or her issue, and each member of the circle brings himself and herself, with his or her own story that forms this one individual circle. Everybody is needed to form this one unique circle.
The field seems to add its own intentions on how to proceed and how to solve an issue, depending on the situation, the circumstances, and the attendees, maybe in parallel to the actual client´s process. Sometimes more than one topic is gently shown and brought to the surface during a constellation. Sometimes various themes flow through the circle, or issues of more attendants are addressed at the same time, not only the client´s one. This is the economy of the field.
You may find this in various forms, if you look for it. Sometimes in synchronicities, surprising incidents, parallels in life paths of participants and representatives of one another. Sometimes there are emotions, events, day dreams, thoughts, preceding the actual constellations. Particularly in the days prior to a workshop. Facilitators call this a "pre-feeling" or “pre-field”.
It may result in the challenge to understand what we have seen during a process in a new, different or additional way which enlarges the possible meanings and effect of the constellation for one's life.
I offer systemic constellation circles and workshops, and I also offer online systemic constellation and counseling, and relationship counseling, oftentimes together with my wife Antonia.
I have gained profound trust in the constellation work and the field and do trust that a client's soul is capable of processing that what is shown.
I stay with the client's wish at all times. This also means that the client is in control of his or her process. We only look at what he or she wants to look at, and we can stop the process at any point, as per the client's wish. A soul's movement will probably happen even if we stop "early", it may be set in motion enough and to the extent that is right for the client.
I do not present constellations as therapy, even though they may have beautiful healing effects.
If you are in need of therapy I advise you to seek a psychotherapist. Constellations can support an ongoing psychotherapeutic process. I do not offer them instead of psychotherapy. Sometimes something other than the client’s issue or the facilitator’s intention may be healed in a constellation.
If you would like to get to know this intriguing and fascinating work maybe come to one of our systemic constellations workshops, on site or online. You find them in the events section.
Homeopathic Counseling
I offer homeopathic counseling.
Please ask me for a recording of an introduction into the homeopathic theory and counseling process.
I regard the work in homeopathic counseling as rather elaborate, and it exceeds the face-to-face or telephone counseling time, that the clients experiences.
I charge the hours I work for the client’s homeopathic treatment, and I may also ask you to buy quite a number of homeopathic remedies, that may add up to some amount.
My private practice is in Munich, Germany.