Books and more…



Kutschera, Ilse, Brugger, C., transl. by Beaumont, C. (2006): What’s Out of Order Here? Illness and Family Constellations

Mason Boring, Francesca, et al (2022): The Nature Constellations Handbook: An Invitation to Connection. Re-Membering Nature in Systems

Mason Boring, Francesca (2012): Connecting to Our Ancestral Past: Healing through Family Constellations, Ceremony, and Ritual

Polster, Eving, and Polster, Miriam (1974): Gestalt Therapy Integrated: Contours of Theory and Practice

Snow, Harrison (2016): Confessions of a Corporate Shaman

Internet: my wife´s homepage, Antonia Steßl-Heilmeier, we often offer workshops together my dear colleague Tanja Könnecke-Schramm, in München, Germany. Together with her I have started facilitating constellations in 2016, we offer workshops together Homeopath with private practice in Utting am Ammersee, Germany the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids in UK and worldwide for carbon offset for air travels the search engine that plants trees

“Father of the Beeches”, near Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany